Vanille Pompona gourmet
Vanille Pompona gourmet
Vanille Pompona gourmet
Vanille Pompona gourmet

Vanilla Pompona gourmet

VAT included

Vanilla pompona is a rare vanilla. It is native to the tropical regions of Central America (Mexico...). The vine needs a support to grow (trees, other vines) and can measure up to 20 meters.

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Its immense flowers give rise to vanilla pods which, when not too numerous, can reach up to 30 cm in length.

The vanilla pompona offered here comes from Madagascar. It is rarely cultivated, as the pods split before reaching optimum maturity, and few know how to optimize their concentration.

The beans split easily because they are rich in sugar and coumarin. This makes it particularly attractive to perfumers.

Poorly ripened, it will inevitably lack fragrance.

Our pickers and ripeners jealously guard their know-how.

The beans are picked at optimum ripeness and processed in the same way as traditional bourbon vanilla, of the planifolia variety.

They are matured much more slowly, in wooden crates.

Our pompona vanilla is full-bodied, supple, oily, black and unsplit.

In terms of aroma, the pompona vanilla we select is a veritable firework display: undergrowth, apricot leather, dark chocolate, red fruit, English toffee (fudge), ripe galia melon, morello cherry, lilac, molasses, morello cherry, licorice, light brandy accents, tertiary and very complex floral and fruity notes.

This vanilla will give excellent results for sweet or savory infusions, savory cream sauces, sweet and savory pastries, rhums arrangés and ganaches.


Origin Madagascar

Ingredients 100% vanilla pompona (Vanilla Pompona)

Storage away from light and heat